

New players should reach out to Suzanne Guthrie for uniforms. The cost will be $125. We have order some extras and sizes are available on a first come first serve basis.

Player Forms

All Players will need to complete the following forms for the 2012 season: Player Forms

You must also register your daughter each year with the US Field Hockey to participate in games. This can be done at: http://usafieldhockey.com/membership/membership-information

Please send all payments to:

Kathie Bambach
3020 Hanover
Dallas, TX 75225

Please return all froms to:

Suzanne Guthrie
2912 Westminster
Dallas, TX 75205

Practice Pennies

If you did not participate in the spring practice sessions you new or returning players will need to purchase their practice pennies for $10 from Suzanne Guthrie.


Those players still needing equipment can visit Longstreth online or Team Sports in Dallas.

If you see any conflicts with the information, please send you questions and suggestions to the website master.

Forms / Info
Parent Board
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